Two big questions from Bill’s big book: Were there any Kelly links to political movements, and did James Wallace have a hand in writing the Jerilderie letter?

This post is Part 7 of a review of Bill Denheld’s Ned Kelly – Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth (2024), by Stuart Dawson. As before, bracketed numbers, e.g., (xx), refers to pages in Bill’s book. Were there any Kelly links to political movements? Bill presents a flow chart showing links between the Gorman family, […]

Sympathiser numbers: Bill says there were thousands of them! Part 6 of a review of Bill Denheld’s ‘A Certain Truth’ by Stuart Dawson

This post is Part 6 of a review of Bill Denheld’s Ned Kelly – Australian Iron Icon: A Certain Truth (2024), by Stuart Dawson. As before, bracketed numbers, e.g., (xx), refers to pages in Bill’s book. Sympathiser numbers Bill disputes two comments in my Republic Myth book: first, that I said that the Kelly gang […]