Another Kelly Myth Implodes!

The following is a story that promoters of the Kelly legends wouldn’t want you to read, even though it’s a true story about what happened to a family of poor Irish Catholic migrants to Australia in 1841. The  reason Kelly sympathisers wouldn’t want you to read this story is because it undermines the myth they […]

More on that book…

I began a reply to Sharons comment under the previous Post, Peter Newmans excellent review of “Ned – Knight in Aussie Armour” by Eugenie Navarre, but it got so long I decided to make an entire Post out of it! Sharon Hollingsworth15 February 2016 at 08:33   Regarding the alleged suggestions that Father (later Bishop) Gibney had sympathy […]

Lying to Children : is this Neducation?

I visited the local Public Library recently to see what was available about Ned Kelly. My search on their Computer based catalogue for anything containing “Ned Kelly” as a subject produced exactly 50 hits. After excluding material that wasn’t really about Ned Kelly or the outbreak – for example a book about John Jarratt, the […]