The first priority of anyone writing about history – and this includes the Kelly story – is to get the FACTS straight. And its even more important for people who purport to be some sort of expert on the topic, that they get their facts right. So when someone like Jack Peterson gets the facts […]
In Discussion
The Fitzpatrick Conspiracy : Part Two
Last week I described Alan Crichton’s Fitzpatrick Conspiracy theory, and pointed out what it would mean for the traditional Kelly mythology if it was accepted. Crichton’s theory is that the Fitzpatrick incident was a plot devised by Brooke-smith and Whelan with the aim of getting at Mrs Kelly. According to Crichton, Ellen Kelly was the […]
The Fitzpatrick Conspiracy : Part One
In April next year ( 2019 ) there will be some sort of a Kelly convention at Chiltern, not far from Beechworth, a fund raiser for the Chiltern Athenaeum. One of the speakers has already announced what his topic will be: Constable Alexander Fitzpatrick: “I’ll be doing a presentation on this bloke at the Kelly […]
Corrections: A Response to a trolls campaign against free speech
For the second time this year, in an egregious violation of my absolute right to privacy, Mr Mick Fitzsimons has taken it upon himself to broadcast on his Facebook Page personal details about me and my origins and profession. Not only that, he has yet again broadcast outright lies and innumerable defamatory statements about […]
The following is a critique of Steve Jagers response to the recent publication by Stuart Dawson of a free book that discusses the origins of the claim that the Glenrowan incident in 1880 was Ned Kellys attempt to establish a republic of north-east Victoria. Its important to note that I am deliberately calling it […]
Life After the Republic
I wrote on Facebook that last week was going to be a massive week for the Kelly World, and it turned out to be even bigger than I was expecting, with the release of the second of Doug Morrissey’s works about the Kelly outbreak a few days ago. My copy hasn’t arrived yet but once […]
ANNOUNCEMENT : The Kelly Republic is Dead.
On the back cover of a recently published “Kelly” book, the reader is asked “Did you know that Ned Kelly was planning a republic of north-east Victoria?” The suggestion that Ned Kelly was ‘planning a republic of north east Victoria’ has been examined and discussed several times on this blog, the first […]
Police Magistrate got it ‘wright’!
A constant theme in the Kelly literature, and in the stream of comments on pro-Kelly Facebook pages is the corruption of Victorian police, and their harassment of the Kelly clan. In fact this claim about police harassment and corruption is the core justification provided by the pro-kelly writers and Facebook page posters for Ned Kellys […]
Will John Delaney be remembered at the Siege Dinner?
The “Ned Kelly Siege Dinner” is to be held in two weeks’ time at Glenrowan. Ive already written my thoughts about it HERE. The question I asked then, and still haven’t had an answer to, is what on earth are you going to be celebrating? Ive been much too busy this week to do any serious […]
At last, a movie that will reveal the true story about the brutality of the Kelly Gang killings at Stringybark Creek
I wonder if Ben Head and Ben Thompson realised what they were getting themselves into when they decided to attempt a movie about what happened to a party of four police at Stringybark Creek in 1878. I wonder if they realised that saying they were going to tell the story from ‘the police perspective’would make them […]