Five years ago, in 2012 , a team of four amateur historians issued a report describing how they tried to work out exactly where the Kelly gang murdered the Policemen at Stringybark Creek. The Report was called “CSI@SBC”, but the central arguments of their case were fatally flawed, as I showed in my review of […]
In Discussion
Growing opposition to the DELWP Plan for Stringybark Creek.
Peter Newman responded to the DELWP request for feedback in regard to their Draft Proposals for changes to the signage and layout of facilities at SBC. He sent me an abridged copy of his letter and has given me permission to post it here. DELWP are not going to be able to deny receiving a very loud […]
Ned Kelly was a compulsive liar
Even on Death Row, Ned Kelly couldn’t stop telling lies If anyone doesn’t believe me when I say that Ned Kelly was a notorious liar, here’s a few examples of lies taken from another of the Letters that Ned Kelly wrote. This letter was written from Gaol, 6 days before he was hanged, witnessed by […]
Words of Inspiration from Ned Kelly
Anyone interested in understanding the mind of Ned Kelly has to carefully read the entire Jerilderie Letter. The reason you must read the Letter yourself is because it records many of Ned Kelly’s thoughts and it provides a clear insight into his personality. But you also must read it yourself because most popular descriptions of […]
Exactly when did Ned Kelly do something heroic?
This post is about the people who claim Ned Kelly was a hero. What I would like to know from them is what exactly was it that he did that makes him a hero in their eyes. I don’t want to know what they BELIEVE about Ned Kelly, but what they KNOW about him that […]
The SBC ‘Draft Interpretation Strategy’ misses the point.
September 8th 2017 Dear Mr Lucas Thank you for keeping me informed about the ongoing plans to develop the site at Stringybark Creek, and the invitation to respond. Having read all the material supplied and thought about it for some time I wish to provide feedback and ask some questions about what’s being proposed. Firstly, […]
The Madness of the CSI Case
This is the actual place everyone is arguing about. This image was captured less than a week after Ned Kelly murdered Police right there, in that very place, by those logs. There are many things about this photo and its twin photo that have been debated at length over the years, and the debate goes […]
Bill is winning the battle of Stringybark Creek
This is Bills map of SBC : He drew it for Peter Fitzsimons but it didn’t make it into his book. Its the best map ever because it shows exactly where everything is at the site In March this year I asked the question “Is there a Stringybark Creek swindle underway right now?” It had […]
Sir Redmond Barry : A Fantastic Victorian
Its not surprising that Sir Redmond Barry is not liked by people who idolise a police murderer – after all he sentenced Ned Kelly to death. But criminals and their families and supporters almost never applaud or have anything decent or fair to say about the Judges who put them away, and its no different […]
Ned Kelly wasn’t a bad kid
The green sash incident – ( love the dog!) In contrast to the wealth of information that we have about the second half of Ned Kellys life, there is very little about the first half. Also in contrast to the second half, which was characterised by criminality and violence, what little we know of […]