Understand the Fitzpatrick Incident

“I honestly believe the whole scenario at the Kelly hut on the 15th of April 1878 was one big setup by police long before Fitzpatrick’s arrival at the hut.” (‘Crichton’s view’ – can be found on the Iron Outlaw website as ‘Keep ya powder dry’) The simple facts of the events of April 15th 1878 are […]

The Story to be told at Stringybark Creek

Last week I received a newsletter from DELWP (attached below) supplying details of their plans to upgrade the Stringybark Creek Historic Reserve, and inviting anyone interested to participate in the process of selecting source documents from which to derive new signage for the area. I am inviting readers of this Blog to post suggestions and […]

The Legend of Ben Hall : Movie Review

In 2014 a movie maker who didn’t go to Film School launched an ambitious crowd funding bid to raise $75,000 to make a short film that would be ‘…. a highly-realistic, cinematic and gritty 40-minute narrative depicting Ben Hall in the final days of his life, culminating in his controversial death outside Forbes NSW in 1865. […]

The 1993 Kelly Symposium.

To celebrate the 25thAnniversary of the 1967 Kelly Symposium at Wangaratta, a second Kelly Symposium took place at Beechworth, on November 13th and 14th, 1993, but unfortunately no official publication resulted from this second Kelly symposium. However the Lectures were transcribed by a now vanished Kelly enthusiast, Marian Matta, into a document which seems to […]

50th Anniversary Lecture : Regina v Edward Kelly

Professor Louis Waller, Oxford graduate and Professor of Law at Monash University gave a long detailed and expert Lecture that was followed by a very long and interesting discussion about Ned Kellys trial. Professor Waller described the trial quite brilliantly, provided fascinating insights into the way trials were  conducted in 1880 and examined Kelly’s defence […]