If the defenders of Ned Kelly ever point to what they think is actual evidence of Police corruption and the unfair persecution of Ned, the incident they are most likely to refer to is the one where they say, for being caught riding a horse someone else had stolen, Ned got double the sentence that […]
In Discussion
The Greatest of the Kelly Myths Part 2 : 1866-1871
Ned Kelly often robbed people at gunpoint : its a terrifying experience for the victim. I ended the last Post with these words “What has to be accepted, because that is what all the evidence shows, is that at least while Red Kelly was alive, his family were not the victims of Police persecution, or […]
The Greatest of the Kelly Myths : Part 1
I recently watched on DVD a debate that took place as part of the Ned Kelly Weekend in August, 2006. The subject for debate was “That Ned Kelly is an inappropriate hero for Australia” and the voice over on the DVD said there was a capacity crowd of more than 400 in attendance crammed into […]
In 2017 watch the Kelly Legend collapse even further ..
The headline in the Australian of last weekend, January 14th 2017 said it all : “Kelly Gang descendants at war over bushranger lore and legacy” This article referred to the fact that since the Weekend Australian had published ‘that photo’ and an article about it a month before, “the letters page of The Ovens and […]
Dee owns the Kelly Story
Does one of these towns own the Kelly story? On the Kelly Facebook Pages they’re arguing about who owns the Kelly story and who has the right to tell it and where it should be told from. Theres a Glenrowan Camp led by Joanne Griffiths, who is an actual Kelly descendant apparently, and the Beechworth […]
2016 In Review: Part Two :
On the Facebook Kelly places this year the dominant item of interest has been the Unforgotten Image. Ironoutlaw and Ned Kelly Central both ignored it because of personal animosities, but even Matt Shore admitted at the end of the year that the image added nothing to our knowledge of Ned Kelly or to Kelly history. […]
2016 : The Kelly Year in Review. Part 1
In this Two Part Post, I am going to review what happened in the wider world of Ned Kelly in 2016. The second Part will be about this Blog, but Part one will be about everything else. The contrast is quite amazing, as you will see when you read Part Two in a few days time […]
The Myth of the Lost Cause and the Kelly Legends
General Robert E Lee rallies the men in the Blue and Gray Ive just finished reading a really interesting book called “The Myth of The Lost Cause, and Civil War History”. Its about the American Civil War, and how the side that was defeated promoted a particular view of what happened in the hope that […]
The Unforgotten Photo of Ned Kelly
For $8 you can look at this valuable Kelly photo for about 5 seconds at the Kelly Vault. I’m not going to do what the Vault did, and play games with everyones interest in this Photo, subjecting us all to drawn out guessing competitions, exposures of tiny bits of the image, a long slow campaign […]
Expelled from the NKC : the Emails
For the record, here is the entire unredacted actual content of the email discussions I had with Ned Kelly Central about my expulsion from their Facebook Page. Here also are the email discussions about their actions afterwards when they posted a Comment of mine from my FB page, allowing anyone to attack it in any […]