The following is a story that promoters of the Kelly legends wouldn’t want you to read, even though it’s a true story about what happened to a family of poor Irish Catholic migrants to Australia in 1841. The reason Kelly sympathisers wouldn’t want you to read this story is because it undermines the myth they […]
In Discussion
More on that book…
I began a reply to Sharons comment under the previous Post, Peter Newmans excellent review of “Ned – Knight in Aussie Armour” by Eugenie Navarre, but it got so long I decided to make an entire Post out of it! Sharon Hollingsworth15 February 2016 at 08:33 Regarding the alleged suggestions that Father (later Bishop) Gibney had sympathy […]
Book Review : Ned – Knight in Aussie Armour
Peter Newman said he would be buying Eugenie Navarre’s book and would post a review, so here it is: First of all Dee, you are going to hate this book. It is pro-Kelly for sure, with much of the ‘factual’ content being attributed to discussions with Kelly researchers like Gary Dean. The author says she […]
Lying to Children : is this Neducation?
I visited the local Public Library recently to see what was available about Ned Kelly. My search on their Computer based catalogue for anything containing “Ned Kelly” as a subject produced exactly 50 hits. After excluding material that wasn’t really about Ned Kelly or the outbreak – for example a book about John Jarratt, the […]
Lost and Found : Kelly Armour
I have been prohibited from contributing to any Kelly discussions on the Iron Outlaw Facebook Page, and the Ned Kelly Forum Facebook Page, but I check them out at intervals to see if anything interesting is happening on either of them. Usually I am disappointed : this week for example on Ironoutlaw they are “liking” […]
The Ned Kelly Republic is a Fairy Story
Iron Outlaws Australia Day message is a lie : “In 1880 Neds dream was a Republic of North East Victoria” I call it a lie, but it could also be called a fairy story because a lie and a fairy story are both stories that aren’t true. The important difference though is that nobody pretends that […]
Strange words
Sorry but this is NOT Ned Kelly….or is it? ‘Mind you die like a Kelly, son’ were Ellen Kellys last words to Ned. They are described by Ian Jones in ‘A Short Life’ (p392 in the 2008 edition, Jane) as ‘strange words from a mother such as Ellen to a son such as Ned’. So […]
Well, yes, actually you WERE burnt to a cinder…
Dan or Steve? Imagine how intense the heat of the fire must have been to do this The other claimants to be Dan or Steve had less to say for themselves and are harder to research. But there is a broader point that needs to be made here about people who wish to assert something extraordinary, […]
Did Dan Kelly die at Glenrowan?
When the guy that I met in Glenrowan told me about his belief that Dan and Steve hadn’t died in the inferno that destroyed Ann Jones Inn, it wasn’t the first time I had heard this story, but I had never given it more than a seconds thought before. I didn’t think any knowledgeable Kelly […]
The Vault Fires Back
The Top Gun is the one I saw at the Vault A few days ago I was pleased to receive feedback from the Kelly Vault, and answers to my questions. That gun without labels that the Custodian couldn’t identify the day I was there was mistakenly displayed before the Labelling had been completed. It turns […]